Pre-paid Credit Repair builds credit

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If you are having difficulty with your credit score and rating, or having a hard time getting a credit card you might want to consider a pre-paid card. Nowadays it is virtually impossible to purchase anything without a credit card. Lenders today are offering Pre-Paid Visa and Master Cards, which work like credit cards. The procedure works like put money into an account and then you are able to use the cards like a regular credit card. No one will know the difference. Prepaid credit cards can be purchased at many stores or online. The downside is you have to pay a small fee when you open an account. You want to be careful with which card you choose since some are expensive. After the account is open, you have to pay a small fee every time you make another deposit on your account. The upside about prepaid cards is that it can help repair your credit. Another advantage is, if your credit is bad then the prepaid may be the only the solution for repairing credit. The best solution is to continue paying your bills and avoid spending money on items you do not really need. Most people spend a fortune during the course of a decade on various items all to sell them later in a garage sale, or else toss them in the garbage when they realize they did not need it in the first place. It pays to consider all aspects of any decision made to avoid complications. Bad credit is an obstacle and in order to defeat the obstacle you have to take steps to resolve the issues. 

Credit Reports

Don’t let bad credit ruin your life. We all have difficulties and sometimes we can’t avoid obstacles that get in our way. It is important that you know your credit report status first before taking steps to repair your credit. Building credit is important, but if you do not know the basics, it is almost impossible to get out of debt. Sure, you get bills in the mail everyday that tell you what you owe. You might even get annoying phone calls regularly to remind you of the mistakes made. Having your credit report on hand can save despair since some charges against individuals are mistakes. If you know what you owe, you are in the heading in the right direction to repairing your credit. Credit reports can be obtained at any of the three credit bureaus including Equifax, Trans Union, and expedient. Some people will tell you to apply for a loan so that you can get a copy of your report free. This is ludicrous since each time you apply for a loan or credit card it goes against your score. Why not pay $60 dollars now and save a fortune in the long run? Most credit reports cost around $20 or more, but if you think about it, it will cost less later on. If you are building credit, you need to consider both long and short-term obstacles. There is nothing in life that is free, and that includes making the right decisions. Prepaid cards are a great start in the right direction for building your credit, but for the most part the cards offer nothing in line of restoring ultimate credit results. The prepaid cards are treated like credit cards in one way, but it slowly builds or restores credit, so the process of credit repairing is only delayed yet obtainable. There are other types of credit cards available that claim to help restore your credit rating and score. Some of the card providers offer a lump sum of credit, but you have to pay around $200 or $300 upfront. The disadvantage is that some of these companies are fraudulent and work hard at taking your money, at the same time providing you no results. Consumers such as Trust Benefit have taking money from consumers promising them a repair solution on their credit report. Once the company takes the money, they may or may not send you a credit card. Be careful! It pays to check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) before you apply for a credit card to make sure the provider is not out to take you for a ride. 

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Credit Builder

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Credit Restoration

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